Archive for July, 2009

Great blogs – in my estimation

July 26, 2009 (My other blog, of course:)

These are just a few that I really enjoy reading and see growing and expanding into very
interesting stuff and great writing.

Now a couple of flowers for your pleasure. These are so delicate and intricate. To me the simple fact that there are no two things on this earth alike indicate a Creator with excellence beyond my imagination. Have a wonderful day!
red and yellowOrange and yellow

Great Quotes and Tips for the Day

July 25, 2009

The book is “Keep Going” – the Art of Perseverance” by Joseph M. Marshall (Lakota)

“Remember anything that causes a shadow is smaller than the source of light.”

“Facing life does not guarantee success, but giving in to fear and turning away from it does guarantee failure.”

“How we face a storm is important, but so is the fact we simply try to endure it.”

“Strength is the child of effort and pain.”
Tips for the Day
1. If you are in the middle of divorce or a broken relationship, dwell on WHY it is ending and not what brought you together initially. Love can change and you need to acknowledge it if it has.
There is no shame in being honest! Remember, life changes can bring a new beginning, a new life to CHOOSE to build. You are the author of your life.
2. If you are unhappy, fearful, or bored, ONLY YOU can change those things! If you don’t the clock will keep ticking and life will keep moving forward, and you will stay unhappy, fearful, or bored!
3. It will bring you joy to tell someone you love them, or hug someone, or smile at a stranger.
Even if they don’t smile back, you can silently bless them as they probably desperately need a blessing.
4. Be YOURSELF. The way you are is the best of you. Bring your sense of humor back. Find joy.
Remember this is YOUR LIFE!


July 22, 2009

I really appreciate all the great input you all suggested about my puppy! Renewed some old knowledge – and loaded me with new thoughts too.

Humans that are kind and caring still exist!

I need your help ASAP!

July 21, 2009

I have had my puppy home now since she was 6 1/2 weeks old. She is 8 weeks today. I AM WHIPPED!!!! I don’t mind the training for “home etiquette” or planning for the destruction of something – but I have been unable to get her to
sleep all night once and I was on the verge of giving her back this morning. I’ve called my husband twice tearfully telling him I am weary and discouraged! (What a dummy to lay that on him when he’s working). This morning I called the folks I bought her from and was bawling like a baby, asking if they would take her back.

This afternoon it’s better. She’s a wonderful dog, and honestly – part of the reason I wanted her is because my
husband has never picked out a dog, and never had one since a puppy. He’s totally taken with her. But I have to make my mind up by tomorrow whether to keep her or not.

PLEASE IF YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS – old ones, new ones, bizarre ones (well, not too bizarre) – PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR SUGGESTIONS. It’s been 12 years since I had a puppy, and a lot more than that since I had an infant at home.

Mind Your “Posture”

July 15, 2009

When we think of posture, we think of how we stand. “Stand up straight now. Don’t slump over.” That is not the posture I to which I am referring. I am speaking of our stance, our reactions, the fists coming tightly together, or the arms reaching for a hug.

I’ve lived this posture for so long. There always is a posture for the warrior, and one for the quite subdued character of intelligence not often spoken about. A posture for the wind of winter and the heat of summer’s long and dry days. Each day and the day after the next and the day after that. The land is parched for a drink of water.

I remember a cool breath breeze biting my cheeks on a brisk fall morning the thoughts making me feel cooler than I’ve been for a while.

Snow and very cold wind. There is a posture that starts a fire within and that fire within is survival.

There is a posture humbled by life and our own “decision-making” lessons hard to rise above..

There is a posture that comes from the spirit within. Not one molded already. We are given a soul life and a body of our very own, to do with as we choose. Oh my God!

Speaking of God. Now there is a posture like none other. The moment you can feel your heart pounding with a feeling you’ve never known before. The moment a miracle happens and the ever changing earth we live on changes again, as does your vision of it and perception on life.

No more buying into anything other than loving. Love has many colors and rings a new symphony with every diverse plant, animal and human that coexists. I will not fall prey to the evil that seems to be spreading like a deadly virus. I will not pay attention to repeated fear and worry.

I am flying high again like I did so many nights in my dreams. My convictions are solid. My strength comes to me in clear thinking and my own true spirit within. I want to be a reflection of the love given to us all – simply by asking!

I had another epiphany a few days ago. It just electrified something in my brain and suddenly I knew something, that I had to live a lifetime to find out.

My Spirit is not my own. It belongs to my master. There is a posture I feel honored to do. I do not often enough kneel at my bed, clasp my hands, and drop my head. I begin to say thank you but there are no words I can say to express my love and gratitude for this opportunity of life.

The Kingdom of God comes from within if you just choose to let it blossom in your life. It is all your choice. Make haste to perceive your dreams and therein create them, and revel in these brief moments of time.

I think I like my posture now, so I am going to be grateful, stand up straight, and take a breath!

Things I am really tired of today….

July 12, 2009

I am tired of our government “sharing” millions we DON’T have with so many other countries. Great. We are helping others, getting further in debt, have successfully evaporated the middle class, and things are getting worse…

How about fixing our some of the public needs? For instance, hundred year + old levees, sewers, bridges, waterlines, and tunnels. Let’s add dangerous old air transportation, subways and power grids. Huh? Huh?

I am also tired of US accepting every word the media sends us. You must know most media (whether radio, television, or the written word) is hogwash and bought and paid for by those “in charge”.

Now think about this: I am tired of Hollywood making movies that either send us subliminal messages of doom to come, or violent behaviors, or other crap. I am also tired of Hollywood paying unwarranted salaries to people, saturating our heads with how the actors (and that’s just what they are) are STARS and should be idolized, and then have various special presentations to give themselves awards! Duh. How stupid are we? Hummmm, maybe middle class stood for “mindless intellectual dopes dashing life endlessly!” No worries. The middle class is gone and now we are the working poor.

I am tired of politicians promising change. It’s all the same lies we’ve heard hundreds of times before. I am tired of politicians (when they get caught) – confessing their sins and then being forgiven. I say divorce the bastards.

I am tired of politicians taking trips and spending money on lavish dinners, celebrations and gathering. I am tired of providing their livelihood and security until they die!

I am tired of everyone saying, “Hey, buy a new car – we’ll give you $4,000. for your old one (if it gets less than 18 miles a gallon) – then you put out the rest of the money for it! I could sell the old clunker for more than that! Besides, where in the hell do all these idiots in charge think the commoner is going to get that money. Just a couple of days ago GM let go 22,000 more employees . With homes being lost, jobs being lost, and families breaking from the financial stress, where do these criminals think people are supposed to come up with the cash!

There. I have said my peace today. I now will let it go and return to the circle of my life. I will never let any of this steal my joy for more than a few minutes. I always have the choice to draw happiness no matter how many “problems” appear. My perception of life is what I make it! Try making those mental choices that will enhance your life no matter what challenges you face. You are not alone. I face challenges too, but I am not going to let them run me over!

CREATE a wonderful day for those in your circle of life. All this greed and money grabbing crap really doesn’t mean a thing. It comes and goes. Love, on the other hand can flourish no matter what if you just let it! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

Mr. Barack Hussien Obama and Michael Jackson’s Memorial

July 4, 2009

…………………. or have you made it a law yet that I have to call you “Mr. President”? Maybe is it still just a courtesy and sometimes reflects respect. I have a few comments to you for your recent comments about California.

Perhaps before speaking you had better talk to a lifetime California resident. This state is going down the toilet. Happy 4th of July. I know, when you smile and say something, and then break into that great big prize winning smile that captivates, sometimes the words that come out of your mouth just float right by people.

But to clarify, people are not moving to California because it is working towards being a “green” state. They move to California because it is one of the USA’s coastal states, and people love the beach. They move to California because it has the most diverse land and weather – and probably the best – in the USA. They move to California because Mexico is poor and California has paid illegal immigrants and provided for their children. They also can have children here who are then US citizens.

Why would people want to “keep pace” with California. We are going bankrupt paying medical, food stamps, and housing for indigents, mentally ill residents, and poor people. Also, clear to me, the politicians are screwing up – California, once a stable state, is going bankrupt WHY? What happened to the billions the lottery brought in, what happened to ALL the money?

Please – don’t say California has created new jobs by leaning towards “the green way”…..we have some of the highest unemployment rates in the USA, and our home foreclosures possibly one of the highest! The working class (formerly the middle class) is now known as the working poor, and WE ARE SICK OF IT! The middle class is vaporized.

So please, DON’T give any credit to the STATE of California or it’s politicians or it’s liberal environmental folks. State parks may be closing, prisoners are being let out of prison early, firefighters and police and sheriff staffs are being laid off, DMV cost has risen, state sales tax has gone up and we are in the middle of the biggest mess I’ve ever seen in my entire life.

I am a native Californian and I am NOT happy about it all. I am NOT alone. That’s only part of the mess. Taxpayers in California are apparently going to be stuck with a 2.5 million cost for “security” for Michael Jackson’s Memorial Service. What the hell! It should be paid by his estate!

I would move but I can’t sell my house because the market is flooded with bank owned homes, I can’t refinance because we used our savings to keep up with our bills while my husband was unemployed for seven months, and it’s going to take a LONG time before we can even catch up!

And on top of it all, the English, whom we fought to separate from are now making billions of dollars from American Idol and it sister shows. We fought to separate because we were being taxed to death!

But let’s just keep giving everyone else but the REAL people, the working class people, the money! Take more trips, have more banquets, pass out millions to other countries and keep smiling and lying. I see no promises kept, only government enlarging control and the worker ants being stomped upon. There is nothing new under the sun.

And if anyone reading this has a valid opinion with any backup to prove my statements wrong, I will read your opinions with an open mind. I am just stating what I know to be what I have seen over a lifetime, and what I see now – NOT what the media tells me!

Okay. What is so wonderful about blogging is I can voice my opinions, get it out, then let it go! I am going to have a great evening – you do the same πŸ™‚

Dog lovers

July 3, 2009

Okay, I’m silly but I made a short YouTube video kind of honoring the friendship of my doggies! It’s short and has a great Beatles song, so if you want to check it out, please do so. Go to YouTube – either look up dogs, then “Dog Lovers – Buck and Dillon Slideshow”
or just type that in. If you do check it out, let me know what you think. It was fun to make.

Have a GREAT day and I will be posting over the holiday weekend cause I love it!
LOVE, HEALTH, and HAPPINESS to all and remember you may not have control over what happens to you in this life, but you ALWAYS have control over your response! Choose wisely. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

Heart attack: How to help YOURSELF!

July 3, 2009

My sister sent me information today that I think is invaluable. I was aware of this technique before, but it never hurts to refresh our memory. I thought it might be important to share as one never knows what’s coming next!

“Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, this article seemed to be in order. Without help, the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness.”

“However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously.”

“A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep
And prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest.
A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let up
Until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again.”

” Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating.”

“The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can get to a hospital.”

“Tell as many other people as possible about this, it could save their lives!”

(From Health Cares, Rochester General Hospital via Chapter 240s newsletter)

Today’s Tasty Tidbits

July 1, 2009

Did you know that these drugs are now considered dangerous if overdosed? They can kill.

Theraflu, Tylenol, Nyquil
BIG BROTHER RULES (only brother is the wrong description)
6.4 trillion dollars has been lost from American households in 6 months – There is no excuse for what is happening!

Heard a blurb on news and it was talking about the “traditional” family. Said traditionally both parents work. I call BS. That is
a lie. That so called tradition started when the prices soared some years back, and the wages didn’t!

Have you heard the term “the New Normal”? It means now that families need to get ready to have less and pay more. The new normal is NOT normal. It’s just what we are supposed to think, as presented by the media, that it’s okay – everybody is doing it.
I call BS again.

The State of California spends $250 million to “save salmon” each year. Yesterday I saw a news blurb that showed 5 men picking up the salmon and hand transferring them upstream about 100 feet – water too warm for them to do it.”

(But we are going bankrupt. Hmmm. wonder what happened to all the lottery money-sure didn’t go to the schools.)

A while back the only really nice open beach in N. California was closed to campers. No toilets, no fire pits, no nothing! Why? Because people were stepping on an endangered plant on the beach that’s why!


Good thing I teach stress management and relaxation, and REALLY live by the techniques…. otherwise I might throw up!

Think I’ll take a breath and get a drink of water. Let it go and it won’t consume you! Have a beautiful moment right now and SMILE. No reason – just feels better.